Cleaning in a beauty salon: rules and requirements

For a beauty salon, cleanliness is fundamental. This is an indicator of how much the establishment’s employees care about their safety and the safety of their customers. Not all beauty salons follow this rule, and this can be the reason for low salon occupancy and poor profit margins. How to properly clean? How often should this be done? These and many other questions can be answered in this article.

Why is it so important to clean a beauty salon?

High-quality cleaning in a beauty salon is the key to a good reputation and stability of the business. In service establishments, in particular, beauty salons, the service must be at the top. This applies to the professionalism of masters, the level of service, cleanliness.

Customers can stop visiting some beauty salon because they will not feel safe in it. Destroy the reputation can destroy any error: the remnants of trimmed hair on the floor, traces of dyes. This is not only sloppy, but in addition dirt can contribute to the spread of infection, which is a danger to the masters and visitors to the salon. Responsibility for the cleanliness of the premises lies on the administrator of the institution. He should definitely pay attention to it.

Daily and general cleaning of the salon

Each room of the beauty salon must be kept clean. Cleaning with detergents should be carried out at least twice a day, at the end of the working day it should be cleaned with disinfectant solutions.

Every week general cleaning should be performed in the salon in accordance with the approved schedule. Furniture, equipment, surfaces are washed and treated with disinfectants, because the range of services that are provided in the beauty salon may vary and may include, including “beauty shots”.

To clean the main and auxiliary rooms, special tools are used, which must be labeled and stored in special places. Most often a cupboard or a utility room is used for storing tools. Depending on the room in which it is used, it must have an appropriate marking. It can be applied with paint, stickers to distinguish the inventory for cleaning the main room and auxiliary rooms. It is unacceptable to clean with tools that are designed for other rooms. After cleaning, all tools must be treated with detergents, disinfected and dried. Brushes, buckets and containers must not be stored together.

Requirements for disinfection of working areas during customer service:

  • The pedicure cushion, which is placed under the client’s foot, must be covered with a cover. It must be wiped down after each client;
  • The tub for performing hand and foot steaming shall be washed after each client. It is disinfected and washed with special means;
  • The manicure table should be wiped with disinfectant after each client;
  • Disposable wipes or cotton disks can be used to remove the residue of cut hair from the face and neck of the client. Do not use brushes, which cannot be disinfected and sterilized.
  • Good waste disposal is of great importance in maintaining cleanliness. Hair residue, nails, consumables and dangerous tools can be disposed of. To prevent the spread of infection, you should first disinfect the tools, and afterwards – pack them in airtight containers or bags. Only then can they be sent for disposal.

And while you can still do it yourself, general cleaning should be entrusted to the experts of a cleaning company in Calgary. Quite a few beauty salons entrust the cleaning to services that provide cleaning services. This method has many advantages:

  • Fast and high-quality general cleaning with the use of professional inventory and means for washing, cleaning and disinfection;
  • Possibility to carry out general cleaning after hours;
  • No need to involve your employees to maintain cleanliness in the beauty salon. It is much easier to resort to the services of professionals.
  • Cooperation with a cleaning company provides for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services. It specifies all the nuances of cleaning, their order and list.

Rules for general cleaning

General cleaning should be carried out in such premises:

  • The main premises of the beauty salon, where hairdressing, cosmetology, nail services are provided;
  • General premises – waiting room, reception, hall, corridor;
  • Rooms for personnel;
  • Sanitary rooms.

Requirements for general cleaning:

  • During the general cleaning, disinfection of service areas and sanitary facilities is carried out. Furniture, equipment, tools and surfaces are treated;
  • General cleaning consists of washing, dusting of surfaces, furniture, windows, walls, floors, lighting fixtures;
  • During general cleaning, garbage is collected and removed.
October 12 2023