Cleaning up after a fire

Unfortunately, short-circuited wiring and a number of other negative moments can lead to a fire in the room and that the search for an answer to the question of how to clean soot after a fire will become relevant. Neither homeowners nor owners of commercial premises of various purposes are immune to this. Regardless of how well-designed fire protection system force majeure can happen to anyone, respectively, cleaning services after the fire may really need everyone. Independently eliminate its consequences is really difficult, if not impossible. Usually the traces of fire remain on all surfaces in the room in the form of black stains, it can be soot and cinders, it is all really very difficult to clean. Therefore, to begin with it is necessary to assess the degree of damage and understand whether it is realistic to put the affected room in order even by specialists. 

In this article we will talk to you about what steps should be taken in order to get rid of soot, ash, etc. 

Ventilation of the room

The smell of burning, unfortunately, will be present in the room for a long time until all surfaces are cleaned. Therefore, it will be necessary to ventilate the room regularly during the entire period of cleaning (and of course this is where you should start). It is recommended to wear a respirator even when in the ventilated room. In the air may remain particles of tar and soot, which are characterized by causticity, are harmful to the human body, as they get into the lungs and settle there, also these particles irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.

What tools and protective equipment should be prepared for cleaning up after a fire?

Above we have already mentioned that general cleaning after a fire should be carried out in a respirator. However, a respirator is not all you will need. To perform the cleaning should be prepared a number of tools – you will have to deal with different types of surfaces, as well as take care of the means of protection for all these manipulations. 

So, as for tools, you need to have at hand:

  • garbage bags;
  • vacuum cleaner (preferably a construction vacuum cleaner);
  • broom and dustpan;
  • polyethylene film;
  • dry rags;
  • roller and trowel;
  • a metal brush to get rid of adhered plastic particles, etc..;
  • a special sponge with impregnation (it can be glycerin, anionic alloys, etc., water will not be the best solution, as it will smear the dirt on the surface).

As for the means of protection, you will also need safety glasses, thick-soled shoes (there may be splinters on the floor, etc.), gloves, thick clothing. 

Removal of fire residue

First of all, you should get rid of things that were damaged in the fire. In some cases, even if they were not damaged, it is not necessary to keep them at home any longer. This can happen with books – if they were aside and survived, they will in any case smell like cinders and the smell will be emitted for several years. How to remove the odor after the fire in such a case it is difficult to say, it is rather just a matter of time.

Therefore, if it is not a family heirloom and not some rarity, it is better to get rid of them at once. with furniture, curtains, etc. the situation is also difficult, but they can be saved by airing, dry cleaning, etc. 

After you rid the room of unnecessary things it is necessary to sweep out the garbage and take the bags with it to the street. Garbage removal after a fire is probably the easiest stage in terms of approach to it, as the nuances are minimal – the main thing is to have time.

Ash and soot removal

If you will do it on your own, you should be prepared to work long hours for the result. Start cleaning 

It should be understood that water will not help you here, because in most cases it will only drive dirt on the surface – it is better to use sponges with special impregnation. 

Specifics of cleaning different types of surfaces

Cleaning houses after a fire involves a lot of different tasks. Soot and soot must be cleaned from upholstered furniture, ceilings, walls, etc. Each surface has its own nuances concerning its cleaning. Consider some of the moments of eliminating the consequences of the fire:

  • To clean the floor, walls and ceiling, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function. Also for these purposes, a steam generator is suitable. 
  • From the walls, soot should be scrubbed with a damp cloth – in this case, washing after the fire should not be accompanied by the use of a large amount of water. 
  • For heavily soiled places in the room, it is a good idea to use a metal brush. It will also help to cope with such a task as cleaning the facade after the fire. 
  • Wood furniture is best cleaned with a cloth or sponge.

If you do not want to think about how to clean soot after a fire or how to remove soot from the ceiling after a fire, you should order professional cleaning. Having addressed to the company Tiva Cleaners you will definitely be satisfied with the result – the specialists will do everything possible to make your apartment, house or commercial premises after a fire or a flood look as neat as possible. Entrusting this task to the specialists you will not only stop puzzling over what to remove the cinders after the fire, but also save your personal time. The price in Tiva Cleaners is affordable. 

May 3 2024