Comfortable functioning cannot do without basic conditions, such as a sink. Every day, food is prepared in the kitchen and needs to be washed, and hands and various other items are washed daily. However, everything needs to be taken care of. So let’s figure out how to clean a stone sink at home.


Every sink requires careful maintenance, regardless of the material it is made of. Most people do not know how, with what and why they should not wash their sinks with certain products.

This is what we will focus on now:

  • Soft sponges, sponges and cloths are the key to the durability and proper cleaning of an artificial stone sink.
  • An ordinary detergent can wash even the dirtiest washbasin. Therefore, you do not need to immediately run to try purchased products, first try the methods at hand.
  • Natural home methods that will be presented below: baking soda, citric acid, vinegar, and so on. However, you should not overdo it with the frequency of use; it is not recommended to use them on a regular basis.
  • Special chemicals in stores, such as chlorine or chlorine-based substances, will do the trick. The main thing is to check the label for information on how long it should be kept to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  • Warm water instead of cold water, because warm water helps to quickly dissolve grease marks, stones, and so on.

And in general, you should use gentle, mild, and non-aggressive sink cleaners. Also, if you use purchased products, use them with a neutral pH. This way you won’t spoil anything.


We’ve already talked about what you should use to clean a stone sink, but what about the situation with prohibited items? Everything is simple and easy here, because:

  • An artificial stone sink should not be washed with iron sponges or brushes. This will definitely damage the surface over time, although at first glance it seems that everything is well washed.
  • You should also refrain from using excessive chemicals. You can use it, for example, in case of plaque, but in NO case on a regular basis.
  • Do not use alcohol, ammonia or similar products. They will simply bleach the sink and that’s it.
  • Also, do not try to pull off food debris with a knife/fork. The effect will certainly be good, but you can accidentally damage the surface.

These are the basics, so you should follow the rules if you don’t want to ruin your sink in a year. But if you are satisfied with replacing it every 1-2 years – no problem, you can do so.


Sometimes it’s unpleasant to look at the white limescale on the surface of a bathtub, washbasin or toilet. It cuts the eye and causes disgust. This is a fairly common problem, so there are many ways to remove this limescale.

Baking soda

The best remedies are folk remedies, and it’s true. Our grandmothers or parents still use home remedies. And not because they are cheap (although this is also true), but because they are the safest and most practical.

For example, to clean an artificial stone sink at home, all you need is baking soda.

It will do the job perfectly and will not cause any harm:

  • Pre-wet the sink with lukewarm water so that it is damp.
  • Prepare a baking soda paste: Mix 5-6 tablespoons of baking soda with 1-3 tablespoons of water. You should get a paste that is easy to apply to the surface of the sink.
  • Using a soft sponge, apply the product to the surface of the sink.
  • Leave it on for 15-30 minutes, no longer.
  • At the end, rinse off with water and wipe dry.

Use only warm water, because limescale is best removed with it. Cold water may not be as effective. Also, do not leave the product on for more than 5 minutes. This is really fraught with consequences that we do not need.


Although vinegar is quite controversial when cleaning an artificial stone sink, there is nothing to be afraid of! If you create the right proportion and apply it to the right places, and not to the entire sink, nothing will happen.

Important! However, if you clean it regularly with vinegar, the sink will be whitened and there will be no trace of the stone.

To clean a stone sink from limescale, prepare paper towels, a vinegar bowl or plate, water, and a film. We need the film to create a floating effect. This will make the plaque disappear.

First, mix the vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Next, dampen it with a paper towel, and then put it on the right place on the sink. Cover with cling film and leave for 15 minutes. You can also use cotton pads if you don’t have paper towels.

In the end, you just need to rinse with water and wipe dry. That’s it, nothing complicated. Plaque no longer seems like a problem.

Citric acid and vinegar

In fact, citric acid has quite aggressive and coarse particles. Therefore, it is impossible and even strictly forbidden to rub plaque. But if you mix the acid with vinegar, you will get an ideal remedy against white plaque.

How to clean the sink with citric acid and vinegar:

  • Prepare 1 sachet of citric acid and add vinegar in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply the resulting paste to the desired stains.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.

If you fail to remove the remnants of the plaque, repeat the method until you get the desired effect. And remember not to overexpose the product to avoid negative side effects.


The sink can have not only plaque, but also stone/fungus. Imagine washing your face and finding green mold around the faucet. It’s disgusting, right? So run and clean your artificial stone sink as soon as possible!

Tablets for cleaning dentures

A unique, inexpensive, and practical remedy for sink fungus. Yes, you heard right. Ordinary denture cleaning tablets can perfectly whiten an artificial stone sink, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Instead of spending money on expensive store-bought descaling products, try this simple home remedy for pennies:

  • Run water in the sink and close the water drain hole (if possible).
  • Throw in a few denture cleaner tablets.
  • Leave it overnight or at least for a couple of hours.
  • In the morning, flush the water and you’re done.

There is nothing complicated. The only problem may be that there may be no plug. Then it is advised to dissolve 2 tablets in 200 ml of hot water, take a cotton pad and just leave it for a couple of hours. And then rinse it off with water.


Yes, sometimes it can be difficult to remove old stains. Ordinary baking soda may not work anymore, and vinegar is generally depressed. What to do in such cases? The situation is not easy, but there are several other options for cleaning an artificial stone sink.

Soda + cola + citric acid + domestos: In fact, this is a combo of the most effective products, so old stains will definitely be removed. To do this, take 100 ml of cola, mix it with 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda, then add 1 teaspoon of citric acid and finally the same amount of domestos. You should get a liquid substance, which you need to moisten with a cloth and leave on the stain for 25 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water and you’re done. There is no need to rub, the stain should be easily washed off with a single swipe of the cloth.

Dishwashing detergent, vinegar, citric acid: The next mixture is also quite interesting. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of detergent, then the same amount of vinegar and finally 2 teaspoons of citric acid. You will get a concentrated mixture that you need to leave on the selected stain. Apply the mixture with a toothbrush or cloth and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then check if the product has worked, and if not, repeat the procedure. At the end, rinse with water and wipe dry.

These methods will help to remove the oldest stains on an artificial stone sink. They are also not dangerous to health and the sink itself.


The sink is an indicator of cleanliness in the house. No matter how strange or obvious it may sound, it is true. It’s very important to take good care of it, especially if it’s dominated by black. Dark colors show stains, scratches, plaque, and food marks much more clearly.

Therefore, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • Periodic cleaning, which is so necessary to keep the sink clean, should take place at least 1-2 times every two weeks. Not less often, otherwise the presentable appearance will be lost.
  • Immediate removal of stains. Grease and other stains should be removed immediately if they appear.
  • Be careful with the dishes, as they should not be thrown into the sink. Pay special attention to forks, spoons and knives, which can easily scratch the surface.
  • Do not put hot items, such as pots and pans, in the sink (when draining the water). This is very dangerous, as it can cause white stains, such as from a hot pot on a wooden table.
  • Using detergent as a regular cleaning agent. If you wash the dishes, you can wipe the sink itself, it’s not that difficult. It’s probably much easier than doing regular cleaning every 2 weeks.
  • Wiping the sink dry is a mandatory step that should not be missed. Everyone probably knows that bacteria spread with moisture, and we don’t need them. Therefore, after each use, be sure to wipe dry with a cloth.

And in general, in order to make your home clean and cozy it is best to contact our cleaning company. Specialists of our service will perform everything at the highest level.

April 21 2024