Painting walls is a rather practical solution. After all, painted surfaces are easier to maintain than wallpapered ones, they are easier to clean from various contaminants and in general they are quite unpretentious. But over time they still lose freshness and cleanliness, so it is necessary to carry out timely wet cleaning, remove various stains and other types of contaminants. But how and with what to do it correctly? And how not to make mistakes? How not to spoil the paint?

Today we will tell you how to wash the walls without streaks, how to wash even the most difficult stains and not spoil the coating. And at the same time we will tell you what to wash painted walls, and what is better not to use. Let’s get started!


Nothing complicated at this stage, but still some preparation is necessary. Here’s what you need to do before washing painted walls:

  • Remove from the walls all decorative elements: photos, paintings, posters.
  • If possible, remove all sharp hooks, remove nails and anything you can hurt yourself on. But make sure that the paint does not crumble.
  • Move furniture away from the walls and cover it with foil or cloth to protect it from moisture.
  • Make sure the room is warm enough. Painted walls should dry quickly after washing. If you try to wash them at low temperatures, it can ruin the paint and promote fungus or mold growth.
  • Pre-clean the walls with a vacuum cleaner or mop with a dry soft attachment. This will help remove dust and dirt from the surface and avoid streaks when washing.

After that, you can proceed directly to washing. But first you need to choose what to wash painted walls with.


Depending on the type of paint the walls are painted with, you should choose the right detergent. Usually it is recommended to use neutral or slightly alkaline compositions without abrasive particles and aggressive components. You can also prepare a solution of warm water and a small amount of liquid soap or soda. In any case, before using a detergent, it is necessary to test its effect on a small and inconspicuous area of the wall.

In addition, choosing what to wash the painted walls, it is worth starting from what paint the wall is covered with:

  • Water emulsion – warm water with soap or soda.
  • Acrylic – warm water with soap or mildly alkaline liquid.
  • Silicone – warm water with soap and water or a special silicone cleaner.
  • Alkyd – warm water with soap or mildly alkaline liquid.
  • Oily – warm water with soap or alcohol.

Naturally, you can use and ready-made means for washing the walls, which you will find in household chemical stores. The main thing – choose not too aggressive, so as not to spoil the walls. Otherwise, you will have to do without repairs.


To clean the wall from dirt, you can use different tools: sponge, cloth, napkins or mop. The main thing is that they should be clean and soft, not scratch the surface. Otherwise, the paint will lose its original appearance. And it does not matter whether it is matte or glossy – surface damage spoils the appearance and only contributes to the accumulation of contaminants.

Washing the walls should be slightly damp, but not wet “tool”. Excess water should be removed immediately and thoroughly wrung out after each immersion in water. To wash everything, you need to run the tool along the wall from top to bottom. At the same time, painted walls should not be rubbed in one place for a long time, so that the paint does not rub off. It is better to wash painted surfaces several times, but without unnecessary effort, than to try to scrub everything at once. And after washing, be sure to wipe the walls with a dry and clean cloth or paper towels to remove the residue of moisture and detergent. Plus thanks to this, the washable surface will not collect dust due to humidity.


It is not easy to clean the walls, on which stubborn stains have formed. Many people do not know how and with what to do it, and therefore often only spoil the painted walls, as a result of which the apartment requires cosmetic repairs. In fact, even quite difficult stains can be washed, if you know some tricks.

Stubborn stains, which are not easy to clean, include stains from grease, food, some drinks, blood, ink and other substances. But even these can be cleaned if you know how! And there are several ways to do it:

  • Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions, soak a clean cloth or sponge in the solution and wring it out. Then you can wash the wall, and after washing – rinse the place where the stain was, with clean water and dry.
  • Mix ammonia and water in equal proportions and wash the painted walls in the same way. But not too aggressively, because ammonia can damage painted surfaces.
  • Similarly, mix hydrogen peroxide and water and then wash the stains in the same way and dry the wall surface after washing.
  • Apply some toothpaste on the stain, leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off with warm water and dry it.
  • Apply some nail polish remover on the stain, leave it on for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to figure out how and what to wash painted walls, so that the paint is not damaged and again looked like new. However, it is very important not to make common mistakes when you wash painted walls.


Perhaps the most serious and common mistake is washing painted walls with harsh tools. Yes, they can really help to wash and clean the walls from stubborn stains, but at the same time they damage the paint. And that’s when you definitely can’t do without repairs.

Other common mistakes:

  • Washing the walls without preliminary dry cleaning, than you only worsen the situation – on the surface appear divorces and scratches. The paint loses its appearance.
  • Using too much water and detergent. Before washing the walls, and choosing what to wash them with, specify the required amount. Otherwise, there is a risk that the paint will be spoiled. Especially if it is water-soluble.
  • The use of aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents, such as alcohol, gasoline, etc. Because of them, painted walls can lose their appearance, scratches will appear on them, and the paint will lose color, especially enamel paint.
  • Washing the walls without wiping them with a dry cloth or tissue. Because of this, painted walls can become streaked and mold can form on them. Therefore, if you start washing the walls, do not forget to dry them.

Well, now you know how and what to wash painted walls, as well as how not to make common mistakes in the process. And we remind you that in case of difficult stains, the best solution is to contact our cleaning company.

March 7 2024