How to clean tiles without leaving streaks on them?

Tile on the floor or walls, as a variant of interior decoration of the bathroom or kitchen, has a lot of advantages, including the aesthetic appearance of the tiled surface. But this wonderful property, can be easily lost as a result of everyday human activity, in the rooms finished with ceramic tiles. No matter how often you clean the kitchen, and try to wash the floor and walls in the bathroom, on the ceramic surface, one way or another, there are traces, the nature of their origin may be different, as well as methods and means of combating them. Many, of course, know what to wash the tiles, so that there were no streaks, and what detergents to use for floor ceramics, and what better to wash the glossy surface. development of the chemical industry in the field of production of household chemicals does not stand still and there is a large selection of effective means that can successfully counteract the problem of streaks on ceramic tiles in the process of washing the floor and walls of the bathroom or tile surface of the kitchen.

The nature of streaks on ceramics

Before answering the question of how to wash the tile so that it does not leave traces of detergent, dirt streaks or whitish stains from water, you need to have an idea of how these defects are formed.

This is necessary in order to correctly select the means for a particular type of pollution and the purpose of the room in which you need to clean the ceramic surface.

Let us consider the most common causes of the formation of different types of dirt:

  • Streaks from poorly washed dirt. A fairly common type of contamination, when the dust and dirt on the ceramic surface of the floor or walls, bathroom and kitchen, poorly cleaned. To wash off such streaks is most problematic.
  • Contaminated water. This is often the cause of streaks due to dirt that gets into the water during the cleaning process. Frequent water changes are a good preventative measure.
  • Water chemistry (hardness). With increased water hardness, there are characteristic white marks on ceramic tiles due to the high content of various salts in it. Most often such contamination is inherent in the bathroom, especially on the floor, where a large amount of moisture can accumulate.
  • Detergent. Often, after the use of cleaning and detergent compositions, there are traces on the tiles, especially those with a glossy surface.
  • Dirty sponge or rags. The cloth used for cleaning must be clean, otherwise the dirt and dust it contains will cause marks on the surface.

Chemicals that position themselves on the best side today are very many. However, in order not to spoil the coating it is necessary to read the composition of each of them very carefully. If possible, you should delegate the task to a cleaning company in Calgary, because our experts know exactly what products for which surfaces are best to use.

Folk remedies

Like all chemicals, household detergents have some disadvantages, such as an unpleasant odor, strong active ingredients can spoil the ceramic coating or dissolve the grout in the joints between the tiles, as well as the need to use protective equipment when working with strong acids. However, this all applies to cases when cleaning is performed by the owners of the premises, and not by cleaning specialists in Calgary. They know all the peculiarities of selecting cleaning products and use only time-tested cleaning methods in cleaning.

As for still folk ways, there are such:

  • Ammonia. A solution is prepared from a tablespoon of ammonia alcohol and one liter of ordinary water. The resulting mixture can be poured into a sprayer and then apply it to the tile, wash and thoroughly wipe the surface to be treated.
  • Table vinegar. The composition for washing is obtained by dissolving three tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. It is used similarly to the previous composition.
  • Citric acid. Crystals of citric acid are placed on a slightly moistened sponge, and light movements are rubbed into the contaminated areas. Sometimes used and natural juice from lemon, given the costliness of such a method, is used to eliminate small contaminants.
  • Chalk. Paper rubbed with chalk, it is good to clean the glossy surface of ceramics.
  • Chlorine. Or substances based on it, are used to care for white-colored ceramics.

At the end of the cleaning process, the surface of the tiles should be wiped dry, for which you can use paper napkins or towels.

Technology of cleaning ceramics from streaks

To achieve the desired result, and ceramic cladding after washing was clean and without streaks, it is necessary to follow some rules and observe the order of operations:

  • Large debris is removed.
  • Dust is removed from the cladding with a dry rag.
  • A soap solution is used to pre-wash off the dirt.
  • Clean water completely removes the foam residue from the soap solution.
  • The selected means is processed tile from stale stains of grease, dirt and traces.
  • After cleaning the tiles, the used preparation is washed off with a clean cloth.
  • To give the surface a shine, tiles can be treated with means for the care of glass and mirrors.

However, it is important to realize that a flawless result can be obtained only if you devote a lot of time to this task. Therefore, it is best to contact a cleaning company in Calgary.

October 29 2023