How to clean up after tenants

Tenants who leave behind a mess and destroyed property, unfortunately, – a frequent situation. Mold on the walls and soffits, stains from insects, dirty windowsills, odor from cats and dogs, unwashed windows and not washed curtains – the consequences of tenants sometimes resemble vandalism. But even if you have dealt with decent tenants, they leave behind household trash, unwashed dishes, dirt and dust. Therefore, the most important task – to return the housing cleanliness and tidiness – all that we put in the concept of “coziness”.

It happens that the owners of the apartment, although they do not want to clean up after the tenants themselves, do not turn to the services of professional cleaners – and for nothing, because our cleaning in Calgary will help to solve this issue in the shortest possible time. In this case, all cleaning and cleanliness falls on the shoulders of the next tenants. But who would choose to rent a neglected apartment?

Especially since after the tenants need not only cleaning, but also disinfection. 

No matter how good the tenants are, after they leave the apartment should be perfectly clean and sanitized. Therefore, when cleaning, use cleaning products with enhanced properties to remove heavy dirt and kill microorganisms – bacteria and fungi. Remember that it is not easy to eliminate the smell of dust and dampness by airing the room.

Thorough cleaning should be done in two stages: first dry cleaning, then wet cleaning of all surfaces. It is important to be attentive to the details of cleaning, and not to miss any of the most important stages of the work. Since tenants often do not clean hard-to-reach places in the apartment at all, this is the first thing you should focus on during the cleaning process.

Cleaning algorithm

If you don’t want to use professional cleaning services in Calgary, then you will have to do everything yourself. 

First of all, you should prepare detergents and cleaning tools in the form of a bucket, basin, rags, sprayer, mop and other small things. Once everything is ready, you can start planning the cleaning.

Detergents and other little things:

  • Window cleaner and glass cleaner;
  • Detergents to remove soot and grease stains;
  • Cleaning powders and gels;
  • Carpet and upholstery treatments;
  • Polish;
  • Rubber gloves, cloths, rags, cleaning sponges.

Cleaning Plan

  • Windows – Start cleaning rooms and spaces by washing windows, both exterior and interior.
  • Kitchen – After that, continue cleaning from the kitchen as it is the most “smelly” place in your apartment.
  • Bedroom – After the kitchen, you can start unloading cleaning your bedroom.
  • Living room – Next, follow up with cleaning the living room.
  • Toilet and Bathroom – Finish cleaning your bathtub and toilet.
  • Hallway and hall – Where the most dirt “comes in” from, that’s where you should finish.

Such a choice was made not accidentally, since it is such cleaning will give you maximum productivity. If you notice that the cleaning alternates with lighter and heavier cleaning, which will allow you to distribute your forces and not so much tired after the general cleaning.


If everything is more or less clear with the windows, then the next thing to do is to start cleaning the kitchen, but now we recommend you to pay attention to a couple of simple window-washing tips.

  • Never wash your windows immediately with detergent.
  • First, wipe the windows with a dry or spruce damp cloth before sawing the glass cleaner.
  • Alternatively, you can wait for the surface to dry and in the meantime, take care of removing the curtains, which also need to be washed.
  • Throw the curtains in the wash and return to the windows.
  • If the result of washing does not satisfy you, then we advise you to rub the windows with a good old newspaper.

Yes, you will be surprised, but even employees of cleaning companies sometimes do not disdain the old methods, rubbing mirrors and glass to a shine, which is sometimes impossible to achieve even with the most expensive detergents.


The kitchen is the place to start: it is the most dirty room and takes the most time and effort to clean.

Fill dirty dishes with water to soak them or put them in the dishwasher. Apply detergent to the stove and leave it on for a while.

In the meantime, put all the excess away and wipe down tables and other surfaces and appliances with a damp cloth.

The soaked dishes will now quickly and easily come off, and you won’t have to put any effort into cleaning the stove.


Spread the detergent over the surface of the bathtub and sink and leave it for a while to work. For the bathroom, it is good to take a detergent that gets rid of yellowing and water stone.

Be sure to wash the walls and walls of the shower stall. Water droplets remain on them, which turn into an unsightly plaque. Pay attention to cleaning the intertile seams of mold.

Pay special attention to the mirror – window cleaner and a quality cloth are faithful helpers.

Under the rim of the toilet bowl and on all surfaces where there is no water, you should also apply detergent and leave it to dissolve all the plaque. Also wash the toilet bowl from the outside as well. To the toilet was a pleasant aroma and cleanliness, you can put special tablets in the toilet bowl, which will become faithful assistants of the mistress. And also, especially in a large family, it is recommended to install an automatic air freshener in the toilet – constant freshness and pleasant aromas will be ensured.

Cleaning up the excess

Now you can move to other rooms of the apartment: bedroom, living room. Put away in places all unnecessary things, everything that needs to be washed, send it to the basket with dirty laundry. Broken things send either to repair or to the trash. If there is a general cleaning at the change of seasons, it is very good to sort out unused things. There is a tenet – if an item hasn’t been used/worn in a year, throw it away or give it to someone. Put together a bag of unused stuff and give it to charity.


It’s time to fight dust. And the very first assistant in this case is a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the floor, even if it is without carpeting. This will simplify further wet cleaning. It is necessary to vacuum also upholstered furniture. And after that, wipe the dust from all other surfaces. It is good to use special rags with an antistatic effect or rotary brushes for this purpose.


The mirror in the bathroom is already washed, it remains to wash all the other mirrors in the apartment. Choose a product that does not leave streaks from the first time, so that washing mirrors does not turn into hard labor.

Clean, streak-free mirrors are very important not only when guests are expected.

Washing the floors

This is the final step in cleaning the apartment. You have to mop the floor everywhere: kitchen, bathroom, all other rooms. Always mop the floor towards the door and rinse the mop/rag more often. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach places: under furniture, under radiators, along baseboards.

Some places are worth paying special attention to:

  • Places under furniture (beds and closets) – this is where most dirt and dust collects;
  • Interior and exterior surfaces of furniture and interior details;
  • Office equipment and lighting fixtures (lamps, sconces, floor lamps, small chandeliers);
  • Door units and skirting boards;
  • Pipes and heating radiators;
  • Bathroom and washbasin drains;
  • Window units, including the outside. It is not uncommon for tenants to clean windows exclusively on the inside;
  • Cleaning upholstered furniture and carpeting. Dust accumulates in the pile, and you can’t do without a vacuum cleaner.

Why it is better to turn to a cleaning company in Calgary

Quality. Speed. Efficiency. Guarantee. These are the advantages you get when you turn to a cleaning company in Calgary.

The cleaners have a certificate of quality, and vast experience, thanks to which they perform all duties as quickly as possible.

The cleaning company in Calgary is a guarantor of a conscientious cleaning by the cleaner. This means that you will have no complaints about the work performed.

If you contact a cleaning company, you can be sure that your apartment will be cleaned with professional equipment, which means quality and speed. You save your money, because you do not buy, for example, specific means for disinfection.

A definite plus is also that conscientious and quality cleaning prolongs the life of furniture, interior, plumbing, and floor coverings.

Together with order and cleanliness in the rented apartment you create a cozy space and an atmosphere of comfort.

August 1 2023